OMI Email Acquisition Campaign Delivers ROI at Scale for Leading Telecom Provider Campaign Achieves LTV ROI of $2M in 90 Days

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Blog post By Paula Chiocchi on 2023-12-13

When a leading multi-national telecom and wireless network provider turned to OMI this year, they had one challenge in mind: to scale sales growth for their business-critical, nationwide fiber-lit buildings program.

Challenge accepted!

Our 10-year history of success with this client gave us an edge in winning this work. In fact, in 2022 we executed a similar email acquisition campaign for the provider. Our goal then was to dramatically improve cold email delivery rates and prospect conversions for the company’s fiber internet service.

After achieving a deliverability rate of 92.66% and ROI of 25 to 1 in 2022, for the 2023 campaign we once again tapped into our deep expertise in acquisition email and our massive B2BC database --which includes more than 145 B2B million contacts with validated email addresses.

This year’s first step was to build a highly targeted audience of business owners in the fiber internet service space. The business contact data for this campaign consisted of 750K unique contact records – three times as many as 2022 -- with one third of the data sourced from OMI and the rest from other third-party data suppliers.

OMI then proposed and executed a 90-day email transmission and campaign management pilot program, consisting of three transmissions sent out over a three-month period, with 90% of the emails delivered through our proprietary OMI platform. Contacts that opened or clicked the initial email were transferred on an automated basis to the telecom provider’s CRM platform for ongoing outreach for products and services.

The Outcome

  • The OMI team increased the scale and reach of the 2022 email acquisition effort by over 300%.
  • The total LTV ROI for the campaign exceeded the previous campaign and was exceptional, at $2.1 million
  • The results match the previous campaign’s ROI of 25 to 1 – which is a return of $25 for every dollar spent.
  • The innovative and effective design of our proprietary OMI platform resulted in deliverability that is well above the B2B cold prospect emailing industry standard, with a rate of 90.78% for the entire 3-month period.

The results enabled the telecom provider to reliably reach a sizable audience of targeted business owners and achieve exceptional ROI at scale. This campaign has empowered them to increase sales and lay the groundwork for future new business opportunities – and as a result, the provider has already committed to expanding its marketing partnership with OMI.

“Our ongoing partnership with OMI has had a big impact on our fiber-lit success. Their email marketing expertise including their proven approach to deliverability and the outstanding quality of their B2B acquisition data has enabled us to drive substantial new business and stand out from the competition.”Marketing Executive, Leading Telecom Provider


Let us know how we can support you in optimizing your campaigns. Reach out to me or my team!


At OMI, we believe good things happen when you share your knowledge. That's why we're proud to educate marketers at every level - in every size and type of organization - about the basics of email marketing and the contact data that powers it.

  • The Executive's 15-Minute Guide to Building a Successful Email Marketing Database

  • A 15-Minute Guide to Fortune 2,000 Businesses and Executives

  • Five Best Practices for Using Email Marketing to Target SMBs