
Outward Media, Inc. B2BC Marketing Database Reaches 145 Million Contacts with Validated Email Addresses

OMI Press Release | Date: 2023-09-20

B2BC marketing data provider fuels digital marketing campaigns for leading brands; offers one of the largest US-focused SMB databases; and guarantees 95% email validity for 30 days


LOS ANGELES – September 13, 2023 -- Outward Media, Inc. (OMI), a leading provider of omnichannel marketing data that fuels digital campaigns, today announced its business-to-business-to-consumer (B2BC) database has reached 145 million manager- and professional-level and above contacts with validated email addresses, spanning more than 18 million businesses. This milestone marks a nearly 24% increase since March 2023.

“Expanding our database to 145 million contacts with validated email addresses empowers our clients to  reach more of the right qualified decision-makers, resulting in increased brand awareness across their target audiences and, ultimately, improved business growth,” said Paula Chiocchi, CEO, OMI.

The expanded database includes 95 million small-and-mid-sized business (SMB) records, making it one of the largest U.S.-focused SMB databases in the world.

Anonymized Data Addressed Privacy Concerns

OMI has partnered with data marketplace leaders such as Snowflake to offer anonymized data options to address growing privacy concerns. With Snowflake’s anonymized data options, OMI clients – including brands and agencies -- can connect OMI’s third-party B2BC data to their preferred martech platforms to power digital campaigns. OMI’s B2BC contacts and audience segments are accessible on the Snowflake Media Data Cloud. These contacts are matched to digital IDs to drive digital campaigns with powerful reach and accuracy.

OMI Services: Fueling Digital Marketing Campaigns, ABM and More

OMI views its B2BC data as a Living File® and regularly maintains and updates its database so that it accurately reflects the changing business environment. With the highest standards for data quality, OMI performs ongoing database cleansing -- a process of analyzing, validating, purging, updating, and replacing data to ensure ongoing accuracy – and guarantees 95% email validity for 30 days.

 All contacts include business name, contact name, social profile, phone, business postal address, job title and various business firmographics. The data is digitally formatted to power display and social media campaigns and improve reach and accuracy for ABM initiatives.


In addition, OMI also offers the following services:

  • Deterministic Intent Data: OMI’s deterministic intent data increases engagement and conversions for integrated, omnichannel campaigns by connecting brands with audiences that are actively in market for solutions and services like theirs. Fresh digital intent signals are provided to clients each week based on their pre-defined parameters. The signals are sourced from search queries, content downloads, and website clicks -- which are then sorted by industry and category using natural language processing (AI).
  • Probabilistic Intent Data: OMI combines probabilistic intent monitoring with our high-quality B2BC contact data to empower brands to elevate ROI for their acquisition email marketing campaigns. The intent data uncovers the company name behind a prospect’s digital activity, such as online searches or website clicks, and enables brands to build a targeted audience of prospects who hold a higher chance of becoming customers
  • Media Activation: With precise audience targeting now recognized as the most essential driver for optimized omnichannel campaign performance, OMI is a trusted partner in media activation, empowering brands and agencies to engage and activate omnichannel audiences with pinpoint accuracy. OMI’s end-to-end media activation services are backed by deterministic data, proven programmatic digital media buying expertise, and OMI’s massive B2BC contact database.
  • Email Campaign Management: With reputation risks to sender domains and IP addresses accelerating, OMI offers clients an acquisition email campaign management service that adheres to best practices to ensure successful email delivery.
  • B2BC Database Cleansing: OMI performs deep cleanses on B2BC databases as a service for clients, covering all channel points and all data sources, using a professional grade, automated process. All invalid contact data is removed and replaced with fresh, accurate data where possible.


About Outward Media, Inc.

Outward Media, Inc. is a trusted data partner that empowers Fortune 2000 businesses and startups alike with the highest quality, most accurate audience data to fuel engaged, integrated, omnichannel campaigns. Combining our massive B2BC database with innovative deterministic data and media activation services, OMI delivers real data, real results, and invaluable reach to real people, ensuring optimal digital marketing campaign ROI.

For more information, visit our website, email us, or call 310-274-5312.


At OMI, we believe good things happen when you share your knowledge. That's why we're proud to educate marketers at every level - in every size and type of organization - about the basics of email marketing and the contact data that powers it.

  • The Executive's 15-Minute Guide to Building a Successful Email Marketing Database

  • A 15-Minute Guide to Fortune 2,000 Businesses and Executives

  • Five Best Practices for Using Email Marketing to Target SMBs