5 Data Pillars for a Modern B2B Prospect Marketing Playbook

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Blog post By Paula Chiocchi on 2024-07-24

Our OMI team is so deeply entrenched in the art and science of customer acquisition that it’s not an understatement to say we “wrote the book” on modern B2B prospect marketing. As a performance marketing agency with expertise in marketing data and omni-channel campaigns, we built our playbook around these five data pillars:


  1. Extensive B2B and B2C Reach: Every business should nurture and maintain their own first party data. Realistically, however, this class of data (sourced from existing customers) doesn’t have the scale to make a significant impact on prospect marketing. That’s where third-party data comes in. Our competitive prospecting edge at OMI lies in the expanded marketing reach we offer through our massive B2B business contact database, which is used by Fortune 2000 businesses and start-ups alike to fuel successful customer acquisition campaigns.


Our award-winning prospect marketing database includes:

  • 140 million business contact records with email addresses
  • ABM-level data elements on contacts and companies
  • The world’s largest database of U.S.-based SMB contacts, offering unparalleled reach to SMBs, sole proprietors, and independent contractors
  • Consumer profiles on B2B contacts to enable reach and insights into the universal person – including both B2B and B2C attributes
  • Data matching to both LinkedIn and Meta for B2B2C social marketing programs
  • Data elements to build your own identity graph, which gives you the flexibility to curate custom audiences and quickly tailor data-driven marketing campaigns to your specific needs
  • Custom files built and tailored to your business needs
  • Company and contact level social, MAIDS, mobile phone, and a range of LinkID

overlays available for internal graph-building projects


  1. The Freshest Prospect Insights: Because data decays rapidly, always make sure your third-party data contains the freshest data. We use advanced tools and best practices to keep our data cleansed and updated to deliver optimal results. Our database is always growing, too. Today, we process over 40-60 million monthly data records, gathering up-to-date insights on title changes, postal address changes, workplace moves, and more.


With our proprietary applications and data resources, we can turn a postal record into a multi-channel, universal person record -- with email, social, and intent signal upgrades. Clients can opt to receive a complete multi-channel layout for new business contacts along with intent signals on those records.


The result is a more functional and actionable business data set enhanced into a multi-channel record -- not just an email record -- with more channel data and better data structuring for higher campaign ROI.


  1. An ESP Purpose-Built for Prospect Marketing: We co-developed our own Email Service Provider (ESP) platform specifically for prospect marketing. It applies our own proven processes, manages the volume and frequency requirements of building white-listed prospect email-send domains, and programmatically self-monitors IP scores and domain reputations with flexible rules applied to achieve high open and click rates.


OMI is also an intent signal provider and can intelligently segment prospect lists based on signals to achieve better throughput and results. Intent signal data helps sort and prioritize the prospect data. We also offer clients the option to have all leads transferred to their own marketing automation platforms, such as Eloqua.


  1. Integrated Channel Marketing: OMI 100% supports our clients to thrive in the rapidly expanding “universal person” era, bridging the gaps between personal and professional (consumer and business) data to power a more complete view of prospects’ profiles. This enables improved prospecting campaign reach and engagement across channels, better personalization and higher campaign ROI.


Our business contact data is designed to support omni-channel integration, with multiple channel points built around a robust and unified B2B2C or “Universal Person” record that spans prospects’ B2B and B2C attributes. We also have our own campaign platform network, which shares signals across channels – from email and social to programmatic and even digital direct mail -- to inform strategies and trigger messaging.


Go here to read more about our Universal Person Marketing (UPM) file, which we believe is the largest of its kind with residential/consumer linkage for 80 million of our 140 million B2B contact records.


  1. The Right People: Building the best prospect marketing playbook doesn’t come from data and technology alone. It takes the right people and partners. For example, our team excels at providing end-to-end execution on programmatic and social campaigns for both SMB and consumer audiences, and we are adept at removing ad waste and dramatically increasing measurability. Upskilling, continuing education and ongoing experience in the market keeps us on the cutting edge.


We have also aligned with several key partners, including a DSP accelerator, intent provider and LinkID integrator, and a B2C and B2B full-service programmatic advertising firm, who bring tremendous talent and expertise to our client engagements.


These five pillars are a big part of how we approach prospect marketing, but there’s much more to it and we’re happy to share the details. Please reach out to our team to schedule time with us.


At OMI, we believe good things happen when you share your knowledge. That's why we're proud to educate marketers at every level - in every size and type of organization - about the basics of email marketing and the contact data that powers it.

  • The Executive's 15-Minute Guide to Building a Successful Email Marketing Database

  • A 15-Minute Guide to Fortune 2,000 Businesses and Executives

  • Five Best Practices for Using Email Marketing to Target SMBs