Five Under-the-Radar Marketing Strategies That Drive Revenue Growth (Part 2)

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Blog post By Paula Chiocchi on 2024-03-13

We’re picking up where we left off last time, rounding out our summary of five game-changing moves we’re making with clients now to amplify revenue growth. This topic came to light on the heels of a recent report featured in Search Engine Land, which underscores how an overwhelming number of marketers have stated that growth is their number one pain point this year, followed by lead gen.

To address these challenges, last week we covered modern audience building, which is fundamental to every organization’s customer acquisition strategy. We also touched on intent data for reaching in-market prospects, along with an emerging trend --  B2B2C data matching – which enables marketers to connect with ideal prospects at work and at home. This leads to improved personalization and lead gen results, and ultimately, higher conversions.

This week we offer two modern strategies we use with clients for driving revenue growth:

  • Find prospects who are ready to buy – with precision -- using deterministic intent data: We dipped into intent data last week but didn’t dive into what we see as a landmark development in marketing: a relatively new category of intent data called deterministic intent data. For years many marketers have used third-party data platforms to match their data to additional identifiers with probabilistic data strategies. But these “matches” were not precise, as probabilistic data doesn’t distinguish individuals. Deterministic intent data is now moving to the forefront, allowing marketers to reach real people (not bots)) who have already demonstrated a specific interest in their brand’s products or services.


Deterministic digital intent monitoring uses matching algorithms to uncover unique identifiers all the way down to the device ID level to make sure you’re not targeting the wrong prospect, such as those in a group or household using a shared device. This allows you to anonymously identify individual decision-makers associated with those devices and gives you a more complete view of potential prospects -- so that you can zero in on the right ones with your marketing.

With insight about the prospect’s buying intentions, you can dramatically improve personalization, leading to better opportunities for sales growth. At OMI, we’re using deterministic data to fuel more precise audience media activation and to drive a new tool that allows advertisers to serve display ads to prospective buyers who have already shown an interest in what they have to offer. Go here to find out more.

Scale your lead gen with GenAI: GenAI is certainly not under the radar but the way we use it at OMI may be. We have put It to work to power email personalization at scale for client acquisition campaigns. By combining machine learning with business firmographics and our B2B contact data, we’ve been able to streamline time-consuming processes and automate many aspects of personalization across content, images, subject lines, calls to action and more. These and other strategies, which are unique to OMI, have contributed to substantial revenue growth for clients – sometimes in the range of millions of dollars. For more details, check out this recent case study.


Reach out to us today and we can walk you through our strategies for driving more business growth this year and beyond.




At OMI, we believe good things happen when you share your knowledge. That's why we're proud to educate marketers at every level - in every size and type of organization - about the basics of email marketing and the contact data that powers it.

  • The Executive's 15-Minute Guide to Building a Successful Email Marketing Database

  • A 15-Minute Guide to Fortune 2,000 Businesses and Executives

  • Five Best Practices for Using Email Marketing to Target SMBs