Documenting Our Digital Marketing Journey, from AI to Privacy and More

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Blog post By Paula Chiocchi on 2023-08-30

I was fortunate to have several mentors guide me early in my career and I learned a lot from their experience and perspective. It’s rewarding now to pay it forward and share my digital marketing expertise with the business community through Forbes Agency Council.


In the last few years I’ve written more than a dozen thought leadership articles and contributed my insights to dozens more. Sharing all of these “lessons learned” has been almost like documenting OMI’s digital marketing journey through Forbes.


Below are a few of my recent Forbes quotes capturing topics that are trending now. My hope is that you can take away some valuable insights from them as you move forward on your own journey:


  1. High-Quality Data Is the Foundation of Effective Digital Marketing

While digital marketing is in a state of constant change, one fundamental truth has remained the same: the most important driver for campaign success is high-quality data. Without it, your creative elements, media activation, personalization, and everything else will fall flat. My comments on data quality were included in the Forbes article, 17 Smart Ways Agencies Set Client Expectations Around Campaign Success:


Gather Quality Data

“As a B2B data agency, we fuel digital customer acquisition campaigns for clients. The success of those campaigns is driven by the quality of our data. To bake data quality into our strategy, we established a 95% email data validity guarantee. We’ve maintained our guarantee throughout the data quality challenges caused by massive job shifts during the pandemic and the Great Resignation and now, with AI.”


  1. Effective Audience Building Boosts ROI

            No one is happy when ROI falls short, but sometimes the fix is simpler than you think. I    shared my thoughts on                  this with Forbes for their article, 20 Key Reasons Why Agency Clients Fail To See The ROI They’re Seeking:


            The Client’s Audience Is Not Identified and Segmented

“Effective audience building is an important part of campaign ROI. One of the biggest marketing ROI setbacks is the failure to identify and segment the audience of decision-makers who are most relevant to your offers. To overcome this, marketers can elevate audience building and make it more accurate at scale using tools such as deterministic identity graphs, intent monitoring, and audience mirroring.”


Like data quality, audience building is also fundamental to digital marketing success. You can read more about our audience building services here.


  1. Marketing Innovation That Balances Privacy

            Privacy regulations may be increasing, but that doesn’t mean the quality of your third- party marketing data has to                suffer. I wrote about the tech tools I am most excited about in Forbes’ article, 18 Agency Leaders Share Tech And                Trends They’re Leveraging in 2023:


Marketing Solutions Aligned with Privacy Regulations

“Marketing solutions that align with privacy regulations while delivering personalization, scale and accurate reach remain in high demand. This year, our agency will make our third-party data available to digital marketers on a new identity graph, offering a creative, anonymized, and marketing-friendly approach to data that fuels effective omnichannel campaigns at scale—without bot fraud.”          


            People-based identity solutions, like identity graphs and third-party acquisition data, play a big role in thwarting ad                fraud by connecting  your ads with a validated, targeted audience of real people—not bots. Our new deterministic                identity graph/intent data offering is now available. Read more about it here.


  1. Personalizing Emails at Scale

            As preferences for personalization increase, so does the need to find scalable solutions. That’s where AI comes                  into play. Here are my ideas shared in Forbes’ article, 15 Creative Ways Marketers Can Use AI To Build                                Connections With Consumers:



Personalizing Emails

“Email personalization may not sound creative, but considering the importance of the email channel as a way to connect with customers, we view AI as an email marketing game changer. By combining machine learning with business firmographic and contact data, marketers can streamline time-consuming processes and automate personalization across content, images, subject lines, calls to action, and more.”


Contact me and my team today to learn more about our services for fueling high-performing digital marketing campaigns.







At OMI, we believe good things happen when you share your knowledge. That's why we're proud to educate marketers at every level - in every size and type of organization - about the basics of email marketing and the contact data that powers it.

  • The Executive's 15-Minute Guide to Building a Successful Email Marketing Database

  • A 15-Minute Guide to Fortune 2,000 Businesses and Executives

  • Five Best Practices for Using Email Marketing to Target SMBs