Empowering Success: Our Take on 2024’s Top Customer Acquisition Trends

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Blog post By Paula Chiocchi on 2024-01-10

It’s the New Year and that means our team is now in the midst of one of our busiest seasons. As marketers and other business leaders feel the pressure to find more net new prospects in 2024, our customer acquisition services are in high demand. These four strategies are our top choices for not only reaching new prospects – but for identifying the right ones to spark growth for your business.

  1. Reach the Right People with Deterministic Data

For years many marketers have used third-party data platforms to match their data to additional identifiers with probabilistic data strategies. But these “matches” were not precise, as probabilistic data doesn’t distinguish individuals. As a result, the data matches could include other users within the same household accessing a shared device. That’s why, in 2024, as marketers look for more precision with their third-party data strategies, deterministic data strategies will become even more prevalent. For example, OMI’s new deterministic intent data tool allows advertisers to serve ads to prospective buyers – real people who have already demonstrated a specific interest in their brand’s products or services. Deterministic digital intent monitoring uses matching algorithms to uncover unique identifiers all the way down to the device ID level to make sure you’re not targeting the wrong prospect using a shared device. This allows you to anonymously identify individual decision-makers associated with those devices and gives you a more complete view of the prospect, which supports improved personalization.

  1. Embrace New Data Matching Platforms

Speaking of data matching, last year saw the breakthrough of new options for data matching platforms, eliminating the near-monopoly that existed for years and allowing greater innovation, transparency and demand-based prices for marketers looking to enrich their data and boost match rates. In 2024 more marketers will explore these new options to augment and enhance their marketing data by matching it with additional identifiers and then syncing the data for use on a demand side platform (DSP). This boosts the match rate for additional fields on the advertising platform, resulting in omnichannel marketing that actually reaches the right target across channels.

  1. Move on From Cookies

After years of being on the verge of extinction, cookies are officially on their way out. This month, Google – the powerhouse behind tracking cookies -- started “a limited test that will restrict cookies for 1% of the people who use its Chrome browser,” according to the Wall Street Journal, and “by year’s end, Google plans to eliminate cookies for all Chrome users.”

While tracking cookies are being phased out, third-party data is not dependent on cookies and is still one of the best sources (in addition to deterministic intent data) for igniting new customer acquisition. Just in time for Google’s latest moves, in 2023, OMI expanded our award-winning B2BC third-party database to 145 million B2B contacts by adding over 20 million enterprise-level contacts and 8 million SMB decision-maker contacts, as well as 800,000 independent contractors and 60 million social URLs – so that you can supersize your marketing reach to more prospects.

  1. Combat Ad Fraud

This year we’ll also see advertisers demanding greater transparency to counter ad fraud. Fraudulent advertising practices have become more pervasive and costly as the world has shifted to digital–and it may be reaching a boiling point. In 2024, more advertisers will insist on measurement and reporting practices that ensure their budgets aren’t being wasted on irrelevant–or nonexistent–audiences.

At OMI we’ve invested in solutions that counter the bots, the click and impression fraud, the ad stacking, and the domain spoofing – all the tactics that bad actors use to keep digital marketers and their brands from targeting and reaching real people. We’ve also launched a new results-driven, digital audience media activation service that has become one of our most popular offerings. Backed by deterministic data for optimum accuracy and better results, our approach leverages OMI’s massive B2BC contact database, real-time intent signals, and our decades of proven programmatic digital media buying expertise. The end-to-end media activation services let you engage and activate the most accurate, targeted omnichannel audiences for your campaigns for increased ROI.

From deterministic data and data matching to B2BC contact data and fighting ad fraud, at OMI we're committed to sharpening our tools on all fronts to enable you to optimize your reach to the right net new prospects in 2024. Reach out to our team today to learn how we can support your business goals this year.


At OMI, we believe good things happen when you share your knowledge. That's why we're proud to educate marketers at every level - in every size and type of organization - about the basics of email marketing and the contact data that powers it.

  • The Executive's 15-Minute Guide to Building a Successful Email Marketing Database

  • A 15-Minute Guide to Fortune 2,000 Businesses and Executives

  • Five Best Practices for Using Email Marketing to Target SMBs