Hybrid Work Rocked Our World: 3 Modern Ways to Reach Target Audiences Now

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Blog post By Paula Chiocchi on 2023-09-06

The way people work looks different than it did a few years ago. The rapid adoption of remote work in the pandemic and the rise of hybrid schedules post-pandemic means that B2B marketers need data strategies that reach their target audience wherever they are—the office, home office, or local coffee shop. 


Employees want flexibility, and employers are listening: A recent Harvard Business Review article reports they expect both hybrid and fully-remote work to keep increasing over the next five years.


This means marketers need to reimagine how they reach and connect with their target audiences. The lines between personal and professional are blurring. A buyer may be in-office one day and working from home—at odd hours—the next. 


It’s one thing to target your ideal buyers in the workplace. And another to reach and engage with them when they’re working from home on personal devices and accounts. But a campaign that spans both? That’s what modern marketers need.


At OMI, we refer to this as B2BC (Business to Business/Consumer) marketing. The idea is to really reach decision-makers where they are, knowing that hybrid work has changed the game for reaching buyers. The focus has to be on how to reach the individual person – not just their professional title. Marketers need to connect prospect data across personal/business email addresses, devices, and login accounts. While this may seem more challenging (it is!), it also opens up more opportunities for B2B brands to connect with decision-makers in new ways.


Here are three data strategies we use at OMI to enable our clients to effectively reach and engage the right B2BC audiences:


  1.      B2BC Third-Party Data - Over the past few years, our team at OMI has witnessed the convergence of personal and professional contact data firsthand. With our massive B2BC contact database, which fuels digital marketing campaigns for startups and Fortune 2000 firms alike, our goal is to ensure our clients have the most complete view of the individuals they are targeting and the ability to reach them wherever they might be. It includes both personal and professional contact information – spanning multiple email accounts, postal addresses, and other unique digital B2BC identifiers. This is in addition to our firmographics, which allow our clients to drill down to identify people who exhibit the characteristics of their ideal buyers, such as their title, function, or department. And if that buyer is a business, our database includes the company size and market focus, annual expenditures and revenue, ownership details, and more.


  1.      B2BC Media Activation – Media activation is the tactical and operational phase of a campaign. It’s the process of delivering your campaign messages across channels to reach your target audiences effectively. At OMI, our media activation services address a multitude of B2BC audience segments. Beyond gaining access to premium media inventory and having your media campaigns safeguarded by robust anti-bot measures, as a media buyer, you can target both personal and professional decision-maker accounts and audiences. 


Backed by deterministic data, programmatic digital media buying expertise, and our B2BC database, our service is designed, above all, to empower you to engage and activate omnichannel audiences with pinpoint accuracy. Audience selections are based on the decision-maker’s intent to buy, the functions of their role in the organization, their seniority, and the department. 


  1.      B2BC Deterministic Digital Intent Monitoring - One of the best ways to ensure you’re reaching the right individuals for your offers—in light of the hybrid work world—is to leverage deterministic digital intent monitoring. This tool allows you to identify potential buyers across B2BC segments and ensure the highest levels of accuracy.


Monitoring buyers’ digital activity, such as online searches or website clicks, can uncover prospects who intend to buy solutions like yours. With deterministic intent monitoring, we leverage matching algorithms to unlock unique identifiers and anonymously uncover the precise individuals behind the online searches and website clicks – the people who are most relevant to your offerings.


How it works: At OMI, our deterministic cross-device tracking approach relies upon a variety of identifiers – from IP addresses to hashed (encrypted) email (HEMS), cookies, mobile device IDs, and more -- to match multiple devices to a single user instead of a group of users that may share a device. This ensures campaigns reach the right individual and not another person in the same household or office.


The shift to a hybrid work landscape has reshaped the way B2B marketers engage with their audiences. Traditional methods won’t cut it. It’s time to think bigger and consider all the options. The right data can take your digital marketing campaigns to the next level to reach your audience when they’re at their desk or sitting on their couch at home.


Connect with my team today to discuss how we can support you with modern B2BC marketing.  



At OMI, we believe good things happen when you share your knowledge. That's why we're proud to educate marketers at every level - in every size and type of organization - about the basics of email marketing and the contact data that powers it.

  • The Executive's 15-Minute Guide to Building a Successful Email Marketing Database

  • A 15-Minute Guide to Fortune 2,000 Businesses and Executives

  • Five Best Practices for Using Email Marketing to Target SMBs