What Digital Marketers Need Now: Data That Works Together

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Blog post By Paula Chiocchi on 2021-03-03

As a data provider, I’m confident in the high quality and breadth of the data that OMI provides. But I also know that, with the massive amount of data out there today, no one provider has it all. Digital marketers need a solution to better connect, control and activate data from multiple sources to optimize their campaigns. Enter, identity graphs.


Identity graphs allow digital marketers to keep pace with the social, economic and digital changes of the past year, enabling digital connections that create the relationships needed for new business at a time when in-person engagement is off the table. As a key component of a new breed of people-focused platforms, identity graphs empower marketers to pull high-quality data from a vast array of sources, enabling them to build custom audiences that tightly align with their offers. To ensure data privacy, anonymized IDs are then built within the identity graph and then securely taken to a demand-side platform (DSP) to deliver the ads.


Many of the sources that identity graphs pull from have profiles in the hundreds of millions. In fact, OMI’s specialized SMB and medical market data can be found in the LiveRamp Data Marketplace, and our database consists of 50 million-plus records. Combining this third-party data in the right way leads to a deeper and more complete view of prospects along with the access to ultimately reach them through their business and personal contact data.


The bottom line about identity graphs is this: In this new sales landscape, businesses are rethinking their game plan. Most digital marketers know they have to meet their audience where they are, across various channels and devices. But getting a complete prospect profile – to limit redundancy and increase the personalization of your messages – is difficult.


An identity graph aims to bridge those data gaps to create a full picture of the contact and enables digital marketers to better reach their desired audiences without the hassles of dealing with multiple data providers or worrying about data privacy concerns. Identity graphs, combined with intent insights matched to contact data, can close the loop for digital marketers to reach the right targets, at the right time, on the right device.


For a deeper dive on this topic, I encourage you to read my recent article in Business2Community. You can find it here.



Outward Media’s proven data cleansing services and targeted, accurate B2B data can enable you to achieve better digital marketing ROI and, ultimately, convert more prospects into customers. Go here to find out about leveraging our SMB and medical market data on the LiveRamp Data Marketplace


At OMI, we believe good things happen when you share your knowledge. That's why we're proud to educate marketers at every level - in every size and type of organization - about the basics of email marketing and the contact data that powers it.

  • The Executive's 15-Minute Guide to Building a Successful Email Marketing Database

  • A 15-Minute Guide to Fortune 2,000 Businesses and Executives

  • Five Best Practices for Using Email Marketing to Target SMBs