5 Ways to Use Universal Person Data to Elevate Marketing ROI

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Blog post By Paula Chiocchi on 2024-07-10

During the darkest days of Covid, the dramatic increase in the number of people working from home expedited a movement that had already been underway. We call it the B2B2C or “universal person” movement, and it reflects the overlap or blending of our personal and professional lives, with more balance – and fewer boundaries -- between the two. Many marketers quickly learned to adapt by seeking to connect with prospects and customers on their terms, on the B2B and B2C channels they use the most, whether at work or at home.


As a marketing data company, OMI has gone all in to support our clients in the rapidly expanding “universal person” era by bridging the gaps between personal and professional (consumer and business) data across the many services we offer. By doing so, we have been able to power a more complete view of prospects’ profiles, enabling our clients with improved campaign reach and engagement across channels, better personalization and higher campaign ROI.


For many of our client campaigns we now link B2B attributes, such as email, firmographics and job title, to B2C attributes, such as the prospect's LinkedIn profile, demographics and residential address. This lets us target and engage prospects more effectively -- across both B2B and B2C channels. With that in mind, here are five ways we recommend using Universal Person contact data to elevate your marketing ROI:


  1. Gain expanded marketing reach for B2B prospecting with added consumer attributes for your prospects, and the ability to reach them on new channels
  2. Acquire ABM-level data elements on contacts and companies to power stronger ABM reach and results
  3. Secure consumer profiles for existing B2B contacts to achieve a more complete profile to drive greater success in your omni-channel campaigns
  4. Collect vital data elements to help construct your own in-house identity graph
  5. Get increased matches to both LinkedIn and Meta to enable stronger results for social marketing programs


OMI B2B2C Data Linking: Social Media Use Case


Recently, insights from social media fueled our B2B2C/Universal Person data linking strategy when working with a leading global e-commerce platform provider. For the social portion of the omni-channel campaign, our match rate was 70% to LinkedIn and 42% to Meta, which is well above industry standards. To match the data, our team uploaded the custom audience file we built for the provider to both social platforms.


Our strategy enabled high-impact, omni-channel media activation at scale and gave us incredibly valuable insights into a greater number of prospects – including the ability to understand them better based on their social URLs and to reach them on the channels they use the most, whether B2B or B2C.


About OMI’s B2B2C Universal Person Services


  • Our Universal Person Marketing (UPM) file contains 140 million business contact records with residential/consumer linkage on 80 million of those records.


  • OMI has company and contact level social, MAIDS, mobile phone, and a range of LinkID

overlays available for client use. We use intent flags based on market keywords selected by client to zero in on the best matches for your campaigns.


  • Appending UPM contacts is also a part of our service. We can append to an existing company and contact file first, then expand it with  incremental companies and contacts.


Connect with our team for a conversation on Universal Person marketing and the data services we can provide to elevate your marketing reach and ROI.


At OMI, we believe good things happen when you share your knowledge. That's why we're proud to educate marketers at every level - in every size and type of organization - about the basics of email marketing and the contact data that powers it.

  • The Executive's 15-Minute Guide to Building a Successful Email Marketing Database

  • A 15-Minute Guide to Fortune 2,000 Businesses and Executives

  • Five Best Practices for Using Email Marketing to Target SMBs