5 Programmatic Trends Making an Impact Now

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Blog post By Paula Chiocchi on 2023-07-26

If you think you’ve got a handle on programmatic, think again. New algorithms and automations, buyer preferences demanding greater personalization, and privacy changes mean that marketers must continually adapt their strategies to stay on top. Here are 5 realities of programmatic advertising in 2023 and how to optimize your efforts to keep up and achieve the best results.

  1. People are still behind the purchase

For all the advancements technology brings, people continue to be the ones actually making the decisions. Strategies for targeting and reaching real people are more important than ever. People-based solutions—such as proprietary third-party contact data, intent monitoring matched to contact data, and identity graphs—empower you to reach the right decision-makers.

  1. Deterministic data wins over probabilistic

Deterministic digital intent monitoring uses matching algorithms to uncover unique identifiers that ensure the highest levels of accuracy when targeting individual decision-makers who have already shown an interest in the types of solution a brand offers (based on digital actions and behaviors, such as searches and website visits). It also provides marketers with a more complete view of the prospect for improved personalization and better ad targeting, placement, and timing.

Deterministic intent data not only lets you reach the actual person behind a decision but can also be beneficial for minimizing ad fraud and waste. You can read more about OMI’s deterministic offering here.

  1. Cookies are going away

Third-party cookies have historically played a significant role in programmatic advertising, tracking user behavior across multiple websites. And while the deadline has been pushed back a few times, the fate of third-party cookies is inevitable: they’re on their way out. As a result, marketers need new solutions to fill in the gaps once cookies are kaput.

Proprietary data, such as OMI’s third-party contact data, is one of those solutions. It can fuel audience building for programmatic campaigns, using online and offline factors to effectively segment and target prospects with relevant offers. Another beneficial aspect of proprietary data is the ability to target all the way down to the individual decision-maker level -- based on device attributes.

Taking it a step further, at OMI we use deterministic cross-device tracking, which includes utilizing consumer logins as an identifier to match multiple devices to a single user, as opposed to a group of users that may share a device. This method tends to have higher accuracy since consumer login information is unique to an individual.

  1. Automation to increase efficiency

Automation is increasingly pervasive in programmatic advertising, thanks to advancements in machine learning and AI. The automation of advertising processes already yields significant impacts on marketing initiatives within companies. For instance, automated bidding can save time and optimize the price per conversion to boost return on investment (ROI).

  1. DSPs and SSPs are competing

The programmatic ecosystem involves three main components: Demand-Side Platform (DSP), Supply-Side Platform (SSP), and Ad Exchange. I’ve written about programmatic advertising and the roles of each component before. But recently, DSPs and SSPs have been mixing it up, taking on roles and activities traditionally reserved for the other. For example, one of the largest independent DSPs now offers direct integration with publishers, and other DSPs have followed suit. Likewise, some SSPs have partnered with media agencies, and new entrants have thrown their hats in, furthering the competition.

In some cases, DSPs have won out: the end of the Yahoo! SSP shows how difficult it’s become for supply-side platforms to prove their value in a commoditized marketplace, according to AdExchanger. The point is, as these platforms change, your strategy and efforts need to as well.

Programmatic advertising has evolved rapidly in recent years and will continue to do so.

Marketers that stay on top of the latest news and trends will be in a better position to adapt or course correct, if needed.

Contact my team today to discuss how to optimize your programmatic plan to target and reach real people.


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  • Five Best Practices for Using Email Marketing to Target SMBs