4 Ways to Put Truth and Trust Back in Modern Digital Marketing

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Blog post By Paula Chiocchi on 2023-11-29

While the negatives we see in digital marketing often draw the most attention, such as the big issue of ad fraud, as I look back, in many ways 2023 was a year of positive change for our industry. This change was grounded in trust, transparency, and integrity. At OMI, for example, the innovations we brought to market this year emerged out of our mission to give clients real data and invaluable reach to real people.

To do that, we built a circle of trust within our internal team of data experts and with our esteemed partners and clients. This has enabled us to grow together -- stronger, faster, and more sustainably.

We also invested in solutions that counter the bots, the click and impression fraud, the ad stacking, and the domain spoofing – all the tactics that bad actors use to keep digital marketers and their brands from targeting and reaching real people.

With people-based identity solutions that ensure actual people are the ones behind the screen, we unlocked the key to authentic digital marketing reach and results -- not results that are inflated or misrepresented by bad data, bots, or other invalid activities. And only with real results can marketers make informed decisions and truly optimize campaign ROI.

During this season of gratitude, we are grateful for these four ways our team put truth and trust back in digital marketing in 2023:

  • We introduced a new deterministic intent data tool that is purpose-built for display advertising, allowing advertisers to serve ads to prospective buyers – real people who have already demonstrated a specific interest in their brand’s products or services. Deterministic digital intent monitoring uses matching algorithms to uncover unique identifiers all the way down to the device ID level to make sure you’re not targeting the wrong prospect using a shared device, such as in a household. This allows you to anonymously identify individual decision-makers associated with those devices and gives you a more complete view of the prospect, which supports improved personalization.


  • New options for data matching platforms arrived this year, breaking the near-monopoly and promoting more innovation, greater transparency, and fair prices for marketers looking to enrich their data and boost match rates. The real power behind our new deterministic intent data tool is innovative data match technology, which is a gamechanger because it delivers a more elevated, effective, and precise alternative for reaching the right contacts and decision-makers.


  • We launched results-driven, digital audience media activation, which has become one of OMI’s most popular new services. Our approach lets you engage and activate the most accurate, targeted omnichannel audiences for your campaigns and elevate social and programmatic ROI. OMI’s end-to-end media activation services are backed by:
  • Deterministic data for optimum accuracy and better results
  • Real-time intent signals
  • Proven programmatic digital media buying expertise
  • Our massive B2BC contact database


  • Last but not least, we expanded our B2BC marketing database to 145 million manager- and professional-level and above contacts with validated email addresses, spanning more than 18 million businesses. This milestone marks a nearly 24% increase since March 2023 and allows our clients to reach more of the right qualified decision-makers. Through precision audience building and email data optimized with accurate, up-to-date company attributes/firmographics, we enable client campaigns to drive more engagement and conversions. And using our powerful B2B2C intent data -- fueled by 14BB+ weekly B2B intent digital signals – email acquisition campaigns can now reach real audiences that are ready to buy now.


If you haven’t done so already, we invite you to join our circle of trust at Outward Media, Inc. Harness the strength and quality of our extensive 145MM+ email contact database as well as the truth and integrity we bring to our many solutions and services – all designed to fuel growth for your business. For more information, please reach out to our team.



At OMI, we believe good things happen when you share your knowledge. That's why we're proud to educate marketers at every level - in every size and type of organization - about the basics of email marketing and the contact data that powers it.

  • The Executive's 15-Minute Guide to Building a Successful Email Marketing Database

  • A 15-Minute Guide to Fortune 2,000 Businesses and Executives

  • Five Best Practices for Using Email Marketing to Target SMBs